Welcome to our consulting company Kammy Jammy Consulting
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Kammy-Jammy ConsultancyKammy-Jammy ConsultancyKammy-Jammy Consultancy


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  • Brandon-Friedrich

We will satisfy you by our work ideas

We are always ready to implement all your creative ideas and put that smile on your face

Brandon Friedrich

  • BrandonFriedrich@kammy-jammyconsultancy.com
  • +123 (4567) 890
  • 220 Lygon St, Melbourne, VIC 30
Personal Information:
⁠Name: Brandon Friedrich
Date of Birth: April 30, 1974
Age: 51
Education: Deutsche Schule London
⁠Management at Brunel University London
Work Experience:
⁠Lufthansa Airline (Management Expert) - until 2005
Farrport (Telecom Consultant Firm) - until 2015
⁠Kane Brown Country Music Company LLC - until 2024 ( Investment Management Manager)
⁠KAMMY-JAMMY LLC - 2025 to present ( Director of Operations )
Management Expertise
Telecom Consulting
Music Industry Management
Music Industry Management
Reading(especially management and business books)
⁠Playing or listening to music
Cooking and trying new recipes
Hiking & nature walk
Volunteering and community service
⁠Attending cultural events (theater, concerts, art exhibitions)
Collecting (stamps, coins, vintage items)
⁠Fitness activities (yoga, swimming, cycling)
⁠DIY projects and home improvement
⁠Learning new languages
⁠Chess and other strategic games

Expert team member

Excellent team member, always ready to speak with you.

24/7 Customer support

We are available to hear you and answer all your question..we are available every day.

We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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